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Original Beemer Buddies
Original Beemer Buddies

Original Beemer Buddies

Price: $24.95
Out of Stock
Part Number:OGB-OBB
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We hand-craft the best quality, most effective Neoprene Motorcycle Comfort Grips that money can buy. . . .at a price everyone can afford !  Each set of our comfort grips is American , Hand-made by us in upstate New York. We use only rigorously tested, top- quality components, resulting in a rugged, long- distance hand comfort solution for the serious motorcyclist, which allows the rider to enjoy his/ her bike to the fullest extent, and to maximize his/her personal comfort and safety.

Here is What you Can expect From Beemer Buddy Grips:

  • Dramatic improvement in the "Feel and Comfort" of your hands on your grips!
  • Grips with “All-Weather” qualities. These grips do not absorb water!
  • A heightened sense of “Control” over your motorcycle due to a satisfied feeling of your hands finally being completely “filled”. . . . . . just the right amount (enough, but not too much)!
  • A product you can easily and Quickly Install Yourself, over the top of your stock grips!
  • Grips that are “Heated-Grip-Compatible”. You really feel the heat with these babies!
  • A durable, long-lasting solution that “Won’t Migrate" like some other available grip options.
  • An almost "Baffled Feeling" that such a seemingly small/inexpensive addition, could make such a huge difference in your enjoyment of your motorcycle.
5 Stars
I'm surprised I haven't had this on my other bikes. Easy to install. Very grippy and soft. Less force is required to hang on to the bars and less hand fatigue.
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Reviewed by:  from Moosylvania. on 7/10/2013
5 Stars
Great product. Very easy to install. I used it on a 200 mile ride in the cold (36-42 degrees) and the grip heater worked great. I especially like the increased diameter of the grip with these on. It makes running the throttle much easier and you don't have to squeeze the grip nearly as tightly.
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Reviewed by:  from USA. on 2/27/2012
5 Stars
Road Rider
Lov'em product works as advertised. Made grip feel better in my hands. Doesn't interfere with headed grip at all. Would recommend to anyone
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Reviewed by: (Verified Buyer)  from NW Indiana. on 11/2/2013
5 Stars
Beemer Buddies
Seems to be a great product. They install very easy! The increase in tactile feel and larger grip size is great. As a bonus they seem to make the heated grips feel warmer. I don't know if the actually do or not, but they feel like it.
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Reviewed by:  from USA. on 2/28/2012

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